Azerbaijan Implements Cadastral System Based on ESRI's GIS Software

ESRI, the world's premier developer of geographic information system (GIS) software announces that, together with a consortium of business partners, it has won the cadastre and land registration portion of the Agricultural Development and Credit Project in the Republic of Azerbaijan, tendered by the World Bank. The consortium members included R.I.S.K. Company, a subdistributor of ESRI's Russian distributor DATA+; Lantmateriet; and International Land Systems (ILS). Azerbaijan has been struggling with issues concerning land privatization since it regained its independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991. Since the government is committed to establishing a nationwide standard cadastral system to facilitate the transfer of real property, it obtained funding from the World Bank to conduct a pilot project for a Unified Cadastre and Registration System (UCRS). To meet Azerbaijan's requirements for UCRS, consortium members integrated Lantmateriet's ArcCadastre, a cadastral mapping software, with the ILS land registration system and used ESRI's ArcGIS as the underlying technology foundation. Comments Elmar Mirzoyev, GIS Projects Manager for R.I.S.K Company, "The solution by the team of Lantmateriet and ILS provides the Azerbaijan Cadastre with tools for integrated cadastre and land registry based on ESRI's industry leading ArcGIS technology." The pilot project implementation includes ESRI's ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcGIS Tracking Analyst, ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, and ArcSDE. Full implementation of UCRS is expected to start at the beginning of next year and will utilize nearly 100 localized licenses of ArcCadastre/ILS software products.