Axceleon Wins Drug Discovery Deal

Sunnyvale, Calif. --­ Axceleon, leaders in computational grid software, announced today that the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research (WEHI) is using EnFuzion to conduct medical research for new drug discovery. WEHI, which is located in Victoria, Australia, is using EnFuzion to determine how small molecules might interact with proteins. The molecules that interact strongly with the target protein, and with desirable physical properties, form the basis of leads in the discovery of new drugs. WEHI is using DOCK software in conjunction with a homegrown application to determine the score of the interaction of molecules with proteins. Databases at WEHI range in size from 20,000 to more than 200,000 molecules and EnFuzion allows the research team to distribute the task of docking and scoring over a cluster of 32 dual-node Red Hat Linux machines, offering management, speed and accuracy. "The research being conducted by WEHI is a great example of how EnFuzion can fit into a multitude of environments, addressing a variety of end-user needs," said Robert Graziotto, Vice President at Axceleon. "We are very happy to be working with a first class medical institution like WEHI, supporting projects such as new drug discovery."