Benefits of High Performance Computing (HPC) Analytics & Outsourced Services Outlined by X-ISS


X-ISS announced the availability of three informative presentations that introduce the company and its products to the high performance computing (HPC) market. The presentations provide useful information for people looking for HPC solutions to help them increase productivity, focus on their core competency while more accurately planning for the future.


The information provided in the three SlideShare presentations includes:


"X-ISS: Complete Management Solutions" introduces X-ISS and its complete high performance computing (HPC) management solutions through both software tools and services.


"DecisionHPC: Monitoring & Analytics Software" highlights the new Web-based monitoring and analytics software package that helps HPC customers achieve maximum system productivity and goal alignment while serving as a tool to accurately plan for future computing resource needs.


"ManagedHPC: Outsourced System Management for HPC Cluster Systems" demonstrates what type of HPC user profile would benefit most from outsourcing their HPC system management. Some benefits include providing customers with the ability to focus on their core engineering or research, while having the peace-of-mind that their HPC resources are being taken care of.


“These presentations are designed to raise the awareness of the large benefits X-ISS can deliver to customers in HPC. From our outsourced system management services with ManagedHPC, to our monitoring and analytics software in DecisionHPC, X-ISS has many proven services and customers can now learn if they fit a profile to receive these large benefits.”