Request for Comments on Commerce Department Cybersecurity Report

Today, the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force issued a Federal Register Notice  requesting comments on the report it published last week entitled “Cybersecurity, Innovations and the Internet Economy”. The task force is seeking further input from Internet stakeholders that will lead to developing an action plan in this important area.

The cybersecurity report published June 8 proposes voluntary codes of conduct to strengthen the cybersecurity of companies that increasingly rely on the Internet to do business, but are not a part of the critical infrastructure sector. The report calls this group the Internet and Information Innovation Sector (I3S). These businesses are increasingly subject to cyber attacks and they range from small and medium enterprises and bricks-and-mortar firms with online services, to social networking sites and Internet-only business, to cloud computing firms.

The Internet Policy Task Force provides 45 questions in the Federal Register Notice to provide a framework to assist in identifying issues related to this group of businesses and the voluntary code of conduct they could develop. Comments are not limited to these questions.

Comment should be sent before midnight on August 1 by email to with the subject line “Comment of Cybersecurity Green Paper.” Comments will be posted at