3rd PRACE Industry Seminar Europe goes HPC: Industrial Competitiveness, March 28-29, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden


The Executive Seminar on Industrial Usage of HPC Services at Stockholm Waterfront Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden

The 3rd PRACE Industry Seminar is especially designed for CIOs, CTOs and R&D managers, responsible for designing, deploying and operating computing and data management infrastructures, or depending there upon for the success of their enterprises. The seminar will provide decision-makers and leaders with a focus on the significant resources and expertise PRACE offers for high impact research and development as well as an occasion for enterprises to influence PRACE plans and the future of HPC in Europe.

Hosted by SNIC-KTH, this seminar will have a two half days format and will present success stories from HPC use in Nordic enterprises and address Independent Software Vendor (ISV) issues in HPC in addition to presenting PRACE resources, service offerings and plans. Sessions will address issues of high relevance to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and inform how PRACE can assist in terms of resources and expertise. The Seminar will also present opportunities to provide suggestions and inputs to PRACE to enhance its value to enterprises and to affect a pilot program being established for use of PRACE resources and services by industrial, commercial and public sector entities.

Representatives from industry and the European Commission are invited to share their views and learn about PRACE resources, services, education and training opportunities. Industries include the automotive, aerospace, consumer products, electronics, energy, entertainment, finance, forest, logistics, materials, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor, service, software, telecom as well as other industries and commercial sectors.

The PRACE 2011 Industry Seminar will take place in Stockholm following the success of the previous Industry Seminars in 2008 in Amsterdam which included 93 attendees from 13 European countries representing 35 European companies and in 2009 in Toulouse with 103 attendees from 19 European countries representing 57 European companies.