Hibernia Atlantic's Global Financial Network Linked to Bats

Hibernia Atlantic, the only US-owned, diverse transatlantic high bandwidth connectivity provider, announces that its Global Financial Network (GFN) now provides access to the Bats Exchanges in the U.S. and Bats Europe, operated by Bats Global Markets.

In the U.S., the BATS Exchanges (BATS BZX Exchange and BATS BYX Exchange) handle approximately 10-11% of all equities trading and BATS Options handles approximately 4% of all equity options trading. BATS Europe operates an FSA-authorised multilateral trading facility (MTF) for pan-European equity securities with approximately 6% pan-European market share and 11% of the FTSE 100.

Hibernia's GFN can now provide traders from around the world the ability to connect into the BATS markets from anywhere on the GFN network , including over 120 key financial cities with an industry-leading 5-day turn-up. Hibernia is also offering "Hibernia Secure', a single interface to a secure, reliable and dedicated platform. 'Hibernia Secure' offers multiple route options, providing 100% guaranteed uptime between BATS and other critical trading routes. "We are delighted that Hibernia is committed to working with us to bring their customers seamless, low-latency access to our markets in the U.S. and Europe," states Chris Isaacson, Chief Operating Officer at BATS Global Markets. "We're committed to easing frictions in the marketplace for our market participants, so we're excited when key industry providers such as Hibernia link to our venues and increase connectivity choice for our customers."

Hibernia's GFN is a purpose-built, exclusive network for the financial industry, including banks, financial exchanges and trading firms. Specifically designed to meet the demanding performance and reliability requirements of the financial community, the GFN offers access to key metro markets and financial exchanges in North America, UK, Europe and now the Asia Pac-Rim. With over 120 points of presence, Hibernia's GFN is built upon 24,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable, extending to the world's key financial cities. Additionally, the company offers an industry-leading 5-day turn-up or the first month free.
"Our innovative GFN enables traders and exchanges to execute ttrades faster and more efficiently,"

states Bjarni Thorvardarson, CEO of Hibernia Atlantic. "Clients can now securely connect to BATS from any point on the GFN, expanding network availability and delivering high performance network services to the global financial community. We are also providing an extra layer of diversity and security; 'Hibernia Secure' will automatically re-route traffic to a secondary route of the client's choice in the unlikely event of signal loss. With multiple route choices in and around London and across the globe, Hibernia's ultra low latency routes and diverse back-up routes ensure customers receive top quality service at all times."