insideHPC launches

insideHPC announced the launch of, a sub-site of insideHPC that will extend the site’s coverage to include news on startup companies and profiles of the innovators and entrepreneurs behind them. With more than 850,000 unique page views per month, insideHPC has become a trusted destination for supercomputing news. The addition of inside-STARTUPs, with a focus on those taking advantage of HPC to invent their businesses, will significantly expand and strengthen the site’s content offerings for its core audience of high performance computing professionals.

“Everyone wants to start their own company, but so few people truly understand what it takes,” said Rich Brueckner, president of insideHPC and inside-STARTUPs. “Inside-STARTUPs will focus on the people — not the products — that are powering today’s most exciting startup companies and tell their stories of visionary leadership, personal sacrifice, and tough decision-making. I want it to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs in the HPC industry.”

Given its parent site’s emphasis on supercomputing, inside-STARTUPs will specialize in covering fledgling businesses that deploy high-performance computing and parallelism in new ways, especially those that make its benefits available to end-user consumers.

Brueckner expects these trends to “power a whole new generation of start-ups,” citing the breakaway success of cloud computing, a market that has been growing at more than 20 percent in recent years and is expected to top $100B USD by 2012, as one instance of the common man harnessing the potential of powerful supercomputing.

“There are only a small number of companies that can afford supercomputing,” Brueckner continued. “What gets exciting is when anyone with a mobile device can tap into that power. Suddenly, anything’s possible.”