Video conference on the role of modeling in the development of wave energy in Ireland

At the conference "The Prospects for Wave Energy in Ireland and the Role of Numerical Modeling in ITS Development" reports on the importance of numerical modeling in harnessing wave energy. 

On the 8th of June, the cycle of lectures Campus Sea meets your quote monthly, this time with the intervention of the Managing Director of Current Warehouse LTD. Marcel healed, which will give a lecture titled "The Prospects for Wave Energy in Ireland and the Role of Numerical Modeling in ITS Development ", about the state of the wave energy in Ireland and the work of research and development in numerical simulation are doing to address some of the problems facing the industry in this field . 

Marcel Curé will speak at noon at the Supercomputing Center of Galicia, CESGA through videoconferencing, which could be followed live over the Internet through WebTV Campus of the Sea ( ). Viewers can interact with the speaker through a chat channel. 

Specialist Oceanographic numerical simulation.

Marcel Cure is the current Director General Warehouse LTD., Irish company that provides services and numerical modeling data for the marine sector of renewable wave, tidal and wind power at sea. The British naval engineer sitting in Galway, Ireland, and PhD in oceanography, began his career in the field of computer applications for the marine sector. After his doctoral research focused on the transfer mechanisms of gases in the ocean surface that cause the destruction of the waves, has also participated in projects to test new devices for measuring ocean. 

As a specialist in numerical simulation oceanographic cured created numerical models for the Irish Marine Institute, to prospecting for oil at sea, or wave models for the emerging marine renewable energy industry in Ireland. The technological hurdles to overcome in the development of devices that convert waves into energy (Wave Energy Converter, WEC) as well as the sustainability of energy and the potential ecological risks in the same aquaculture, whales and other marine life are important the lecture the next day. Among other current projects Warehouse LTD. is a member of the ASIMUTH 7pm EU to develop a system that predicts the blooms of algae along the Atlantic coast of Europe, if any, in Ireland.

marcel.cure @

MARCELO Cure, DIRECTOR Numerical Warehouse LTD., EL Wednesday, August de Juni CONFERENCE CYCLE EN EL CAMPUS DEL MAR DEL. 

In an interview on "The Prospects for Wave Energy in Ireland and the Role of Numerical Modeling in ITS Development" report the importance of numerical modeling it using energy waves. 

He Junio ​​8th, he talks Campus Cycle Sea su meets monthly meeting, this time with the intervention of the current Managing Director of Warehouse LTD. Marcel Cure, which will give a lecture titled "The Prospects for Wave Energy in Ireland and the Role of Numerical Modeling in ITS Development ", on the condition he's Energía del oleaje situation in Ireland as he research work and progress they are making in numerical simulation approach to the problems algunos de los those facing the industry in this field. 

Marcel Cure hablar to 12:00 he Supercomputing Center of Galicia, CESGA through videoconferencing, which could be followed live over the Internet through WebTV Campus of the Sea ( ) . Los viewers could interact with it through a speaker channel chat. 

Specialist Oceanographic numerical simulation.

Marcel Cure he is the current Director General Warehouse LTD., Irish company that provides services and numerical models and data for marine renewables sector it wave, tidal and wind energy at sea. This British naval Ingeniero seated in Galway, Ireland, and PhD in oceanography, it begins su Racing field the software for it shipbuilding industry. After su sus ​​doctoral research focused on the transfer mechanisms of greenhouse gas on the ocean surface that cause the breaking of the waves, beyond participating in the proyectos nuevos tested measuring devices ocean. 

As a specialist in numerical simulation oceanography, numerical models Cure has created for him Instituto de la Marina Irish marinas for oil prospecting, the wave models for the emerging marine renewable energy industry in Ireland. Los technological hurdles to overcome him progress from appliances conviertan waves into energy (Wave Energy Converter, WEC) and the sustainability of dich Energía y los riesgos possible even in ecological aquaculture, whales and other marine life are an important part of the lecture the next day. Among other current proyectos Warehouse LTD. ASIMUTH his partner is the EU 7pm, for a system that predicts desarrollo blooms of algae to off the Atlantic coast of Europe, su case, Ireland.

marcel.cure @