Denial of Service Attack Problem Reportedly Solved by Cyber Operations

JUPITER, FL -- First, it was Yahoo. Then, on the day the company went public. Followed by eBay, Amazon, and Microsoft. Leading companies relying on the Internet have been brought to their knees by so-called Distributed Denial of Service DDoS) attacks, causing loss of operations, revenues and public embarrassment. Today, Cyber Operations announced the availability of real-time prevention against Distributed Denial of Service attacks via their Anti-Network Terrorism (A.N.T.) technology. A.N.T. provides on-the-fly network protection against Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The technology provides real-time detection that prevents DDoS flood interruptions while having minimal impact on normal network operations. A self-learning, artificial intelligence-based technology, A.N.T. includes a stored database of DDoS signatures with the ability to learn new signatures "on-the-fly." This enables A.N.T to operate as a stand-alone system or in unison with other A.N.T. systems, sharing signature information with all installed databases. "A.N.T. is unique in its approach to solving a Denial of Service problem in its ability to launch a countermeasure against a DDoS attack in real-time by blocking the network attack. A.N.T. provides companies an effective deterrent to Distributed Denial of Service attacks, without any effect to inter-company employees or customers," said Bill Townsend, chief marketing officer of Cyber Operations. "Upon sensing a DDoS attack, the technology prevents network failure, thereby keeping the network operational while fending off the attack. Had A.N.T. been deployed during the attacks on Yahoo! (Nasdaq:YHOO), ebay (Nasdaq:EBAY), Amazon (Nasdaq:AMZN), Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT) and others, the subsequent site shutdowns could have been prevented." A.N.T.'s architecture utilizes five key elements that act hand-in-hand to monitor both internal and external data traffic for potential hostile network DDoS attacks. Its ability to identify potential hostile attacks against an end user makes A.N.T. unique in the market and provides added security to sensitive networks that is not currently available. With A.N.T., system administrators now have a system that offers "Defensive/Offensive" tools, both automatic and user initiated, to combat attacks and protect their domain. "Widespread utilization of A.N.T. will save corporations and the government billions of dollars in lost revenues and network downtime," stated Jame' Groves, vice president of Cyber Operations. "Last year, and even more so today, organizations are increasingly susceptible to villainous hackers launching DDoS attacks in order to disrupt everyday operations. These attacks are expanding to targets that include local and national governmental infrastructure and A.N.T. provides the technology to solve the problem." For more information visit