DOE Grants Tech-X SBIR Award to Implement Data Analysis Software in Parallel

BOULDER, CO -- Tech-X Corporation, developer of high-performance software solutions for science, engineering and education, has received a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award from the U.S. Department of Energy. The project, "Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Fusion Data on many Processors," will develop a parallel implementation of IDL (the Interactive Data Language) from Research Systems Inc. The prototype application will be used by General Atomics for rapid analysis of large data sets from magnetic fusion energy experiments. "The future of scientific computing, data analysis and visualization lies in the parallel use of hundreds or even thousands of processors," says principal investigator David Bruhwiler. "IDL is one of the most widely used data analysis and visualization tools within the scientific and medical imaging communities, and seamless use of IDL on many processors in parallel will represent a true paradigm shift." "The new initiative at Tech-X Corporation to enable the parallel use of IDL's powerful features on multiple processors is an exciting development, which could add great value to many IDL users," says IDL product manager Harold Cline of Research Systems Inc. For additional information visit