SOASTA Launches Two New CloudTest Editions

SOASTA announced that it has added two new editions to its line of CloudTest solutions: CloudTest Enterprise Edition and CloudTest Standard Edition. For organizations with multiple testing teams, divisions, or customers, CloudTest Enterprise offers a fully integrated edition for performance testing multiple applications across global enterprises and delivers access to the SOASTA CloudTest Platform, the world's largest global test platform. CloudTest Standard addresses the market need for more agile and affordable performance testing from within the firewall. CloudTest Enterprise and CloudTest Standard join SOASTA's existing CloudTest Professional (Pro) and CloudTest On-Demand solutions, empowering a wide range of organizations and testing teams to ensure the high performance and reliability of their business-critical Web and mobile applications.

"The performance and reliability of Web and mobile applications can be absolutely crucial to a business' bottom line, and this is true for organizations of any size - from small Internet businesses to large global brands," said Tom Lounibos, SOASTA CEO. "With the addition of CloudTest Enterprise and CloudTest Standard, we are adding 'bookends' to our current offerings -- a comprehensive performance testing solution for enterprises, as well as a more agile solution for internal-only performance testing teams. Regardless of the edition used, all CloudTest customers get the scalable testing with real-time resolution that SOASTA is known for."

CloudTest editions deliver access to the SOASTA CloudTest Platform, the world's largest platform for testing the performance of consumer-facing Web and mobile applications at scale. With CloudTest, customers have the flexibility to launch internal and external tests on a single platform that seamlessly integrates internal hardware with private and public cloud infrastructure and test community resources. CloudTest's patented visual test creation, automated test server provisioning, and real-time resolution allow testing teams to execute performance tests with unparalleled speed and agility, whether testing in the lab or from the cloud.

CloudTest Enterprise Edition delivers the full power of the SOASTA CloudTest Platform to organizations with testing needs that cross projects, lines of business, customers or geographies and require segregated, secure project data and access. Built for globally distributed testing and unlimited scale, it enables seamlessly integrated internal and external testing. With CloudTest Enterprise, testing teams can build, execute and analyze performance tests of virtually any scale on a single test platform that integrates data center infrastructure and private clouds with external clouds such as Amazon EC2, IBM, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace.

CloudTest Standard Edition is a new edition designed for testing teams executing internal performance tests. Delivered at less cost and complexity than traditional tools, the CloudTest Standard solution offers fast, affordable, and scalable performance testing using an organization's data center resources. CloudTest Standard supports performance testing of any modern Web, Web service, or mobile application in a lab, staging or production environment. With CloudTest Standard, customers can benefit from SOASTA's next-generation testing technology, including its visual test creation tools and real-time analytics engine that allows testers to drill into live data to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and potential areas of stress as the test is executing.

CloudTest Enterprise and CloudTest Standard extend SOASTA's existing CloudTest offerings, which include:

CloudTest Professional (Pro) Edition offers a performance testing team full control to build, execute and analyze performance tests quickly and affordably. Like CloudTest Enterprise, CloudTest Pro provides the flexibility to launch internal and external performance tests on a single platform and delivers access to the SOASTA CloudTest Platform. Installed in the data center or on the cloud, and accessed by users via any common Web browser, CloudTest Pro eliminates constraints to continuous, full-coverage, internal and external Web performance and load testing.

CloudTest On-Demand offers a rapidly delivered, turnkey service leveraging the full power of the SOASTA CloudTest Platform. Ideal for organizations with no or highly constrained testing teams or projects with tight timeframes, customers work closely with SOASTA's performance testing experts to build and execute their tests, and there is no need to buy software, provision hardware or train valuable resources.