AMCC Delivers High Performance 10 GBPS CMOS Transceivers

SAN DIEGO, CA -- Applied Micro Circuits Corp. (AMCC) [NASDAQ:AMCC], a leader in high-bandwidth silicon connectivity solutions for the world's optical networks, announced the S19206 and S19210 transceivers. Utilizing 0.13-micron CMOS technology, both devices meet or exceed the SONET jitter performance standards and provide exceptional performance for edge rates, signal integrity and input sensitivity. Designed for OC-192 SONET/SDH and proposed 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications, the S19206 and S19210 can also be used in 200-pin MSA or 300-pin MSA-based transponders/optical modules. "The introduction of these third generation OC-192 devices demonstrates our long-term commitment to providing our customers with industry-leading, high-performance physical layer solutions," said Ken Prentiss, AMCC's director of marketing for telecom products. "Our OC-192 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet customers wanted lower power and cost without any degradation in performance. By meeting these requirements with AMCC's latest transceivers, we continue to build on our strength as the leading high-volume provider of 10 Gbps solutions." The S19206 device builds upon the advanced features of AMCC's industry-leading SiGe-based S3091/S3092 and S3097/S3098 transmitter/receiver chipsets, and now offers customers an exceptional combination of low power and high performance in a single device. Designed for SONET/SDH OC-192 and FEC applications, the S19206 features a wide range of operation from 9.953 Gbps to 10.709 Gbps is packaged in a 255-pin ceramic BGA, and is interface compatible with OIF and Bellcore/ITU-T specifications. Offering a range of operation from 9.953 Gbps to 10.3125 Gbps, the low cost S19210 transceiver is packaged in an easy to use 255-pin plastic BGA and is ideally suited for SONET/SDH short-reach (SR) STS-192 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications. It is interface compatible with OIF, Bellcore/ITU-T and IEEE standards. Building upon AMCC's commitment to being a complete solution provider, both the S19206 and S19210 transceivers provide a seamless integration path to AMCC's industry-leading framers including MEKONG SONET/SDH STS-192/STM-64 MUX/DEMUX with pointer processor; KHATANGA 10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC and PHY/OC-192c POS Framer and Mapper; GANGES STS-192 SONET/SDH Framer and POS/ATM Mapper; and HUDSON Digital Wrapper with FEC. In addition, the devices interface with AMCC's S3099 optoelectronic laser driver and S3390 transimpedance amplifier (TIA). The S3390 can drive the S19206 or S19210 transceivers without the need for an external post amplifier. The system timing circuitry of both chips is designed with AMCC's proven high-frequency Phase Locked Loop (PLL) technology, consisting of a phase/frequency detector (PFD), a loop filter, and a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The on-chip clock synthesis PLL components allow for the use of a slower external transmit clock reference. The devices can be used with 155.52 or 622.08 MHz reference clocks, in support of existing system clocking schemes. In addition, the transceivers contain a lock detect circuit which monitors the integrity of the serial data inputs. If the received serial data fails the frequency test, the PLL will be forced to lock to the local reference clock. This will maintain the correct frequency of the recovered clock output under loss of signal or loss of conditions.