GTSI Awarded Three Contracts On NASA SEWP III

CHANTILLY, VA -- GTSI(R) Corp. (Nasdaq:GTSI) today announced that NASA has awarded GTSI three contracts on its SEWP (Scientific, Engineering and Workstation Procurement) III government-wide contract. According to NASA, each of GTSI's three contracts has a ceiling of $4 billion over a 5-year term. The three awards are for Mass Storage, Networking, and Mechanical Computer Aided Design (MCAD). The MCAD contract is a sole award to GTSI in partnership with Sun Microsystems. GTSI was one of 14 contractors on NASA's SEWP II, the predecessor to SEWP III. According to NASA's figures, SEWP II generated about $2.5 billion over the term of the contract (1996-2001). GTSI earned more than 20% of that revenue, leading in both revenue and in the number of orders placed. About half of the orders on SEWP II were placed through GTSI. "We're very appreciative that NASA expanded our role by awarding us these three contracts," said Dr. Joel Lipkin, GTSI's Senior Vice President of Marketing and Customer Support. GTSI will be the sole provider of Sun Microsystems equipment under SEWP III. Mass storage (SAN and NAS) is the fastest growing component of IT in Government. We anticipate that SEWP III will become a major vehicle for delivering storage solutions. "Our Technology Teams are a key strength of GTSI, Dr. Lipkin added. They include Technology Teams dedicated to Sun, to Cisco networking, and to storage. These Teams will enable GTSI to provide the configuration and design support that our Government customers need in these important areas. "Over the last five years, our customers have learned that the combination of SEWP and GTSI provides outstanding flexibility and value. Low surcharges, simple ordering processes, a wide variety of products at outstanding prices, and excellent customer service combine to help us support everything from small procurements to the largest system requirements," Dr. Lipkin emphasized. For additional information visit