ANGOSS Plans Availability of Data Mining Provider for SQL Server 2K

TORONTO, CANADA -- ANGOSS Software (CDNX:ANC.) announced today planned availability of the KnowledgeSERVER(R) data mining provider for SQL Server 2000. These enhancements extend the analytics capabilities of the SQL Server database platform, providing developers with a comprehensive portfolio of additional data mining algorithms seamlessly integrated with SQL Server 2000 for use in enterprise software applications. The offering is implemented under the OLE DB for Data Mining (OLE DB-DM) and XML for Analysis standards developed by Microsoft in collaboration with more then 40 software vendors developing business intelligence and enterprise analytics solutions. "SQL Server was the first enterprise database platform to incorporate a standards based approach to data mining and Microsoft's innovation in this area continues to lead the database industry," commented ANGOSS President Eric Apps. "By using these standards, ANGOSS has achieved significant time to market advantages and cost savings. We can now make available to corporate and commercial developers a powerful and affordable data mining platform tightly integrated with SQL Server 2000 they can use to add advanced analytics capabilities to their customer relationship management, value chain management and other analytical applications." "By working with Data Warehouse Alliance partners such as ANGOSS who are continuously working to design and deliver innovative, standards based solutions on the Microsoft SQL Server platform we are continuing to deliver industry leading performance, functionality and total cost of ownership while reducing implementation time, cost and risk," commented John Eng, SQL Server Group, Microsoft Corporation. For additional information visit