Codemesh Releases JunC++ion 1.1 for Windows and Solaris

CARLISLE, MA -- Codemesh(TM), Inc. released today the final version of JunC++ion(TM) Release 1.1 for Windows(R) and Solaris(TM). JunC++ion easily and inexpensively solves any Java(TM)-C++ interoperation problems an organization might have. For example: move C++ clients into Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) (EJB) environments without porting, web-enable C++ applications without using interface languages, and integrate Java and C++ servers without middleware. Alexander Krapf, president of Codemesh, talked about the company's first product. "JunC++ion takes care of some of the most tedious and time consuming programming tasks that companies have today. Our customers have been able to save months of programming time now and months of code maintenance down the road." Companies using JunC++ion can reportedly get their product to market rapidly because JunC++ion does all the difficult integration work. Programmers write up to 95% less code than standard integration projects because they're free of writing integration code and can focus on business logic. Programming teams can work in Java and C++ at the same time and leave it up to JunC++ion to get their modules to work together. With fewer lines of code, there are fewer software defects, and fewer places where something can go wrong. JunC++ion provides developers with easy-to-use, easy-to-understand C++ instead of fragile, cryptic Java Native Interface (JNI) code. JunC++ion's generated C++ code does away with multitudes of common integration programming errors. When applications are updated, simply re-run JunC++ion to produce up-to-date integration code. Any developer, not just integration specialists, can work on the updates because only the business logic must be touched. JunC++ion always produces correct integration code and automatically discovers if new software defects have been accidentally introduced into the integration code. Fewer lines of code, improved reliability, and reduced maintenance all add up to significant savings in every aspect of the product cycle. At costs equivalent to a few weeks of engineering time, JunC++ion delivers integration solutions that immediately save months of development time and later save more months of maintenance time. The final release of JunC++ion Release 1.1 for Windows and Solaris is available for a 30-day evaluation at