Borland Drives Rapid App. Development for Linux with Kylix Evaluation Program

SCOTTS VALLEY, CA -- Borland Software Corporation (NASDAQ: BORL), a leading provider of e-business platform solutions, today announced the free evaluation version of Borland(R) Kylix(TM) Server Developer, a native rapid application development (RAD) environment for the Linux(R) operating system (OS). Kylix Server Developer offers full support for the development of desktop, database, and Apache(TM) Web Server applications as well as enterprise class Linux solutions for Apache(TM), IBM(R) DB2(R), and Oracle(R). With the free evaluation edition of Kylix, developers can now experience the fastest way to develop professional Linux applications. Developers can go to today to download the evaluation version of Kylix Server Developer. "There is no better way to introduce Kylix than to let it speak for itself. As I am sure millions of developers will quickly find, Kylix has a very rich and rewarding story to tell," said Gent Hito, CEO of /n software, Inc. "This evaluation version of Kylix will make it easier for businesses to evaluate the benefits of Kylix for Linux application development and explore the deployment possibilities for mission-critical Web, database and desktop solutions on Linux," said Simon Thornhill, vice president and general manager of Borland's RAD business unit. Borland Kylix, the first native-code RAD environment for the Linux platform, is a component-based development environment for two-way visual development of graphical user interface (GUI), Internet, database and Web server applications. Kylix integrates a leading edge development environment, interactive debugger, intuitive visual designer and a comprehensive component palette to give developers the tools they need to deliver Linux applications fast. The Kylix optimizing compiler is seamlessly integrated to produce high-performance applications at high-speed. For more information visit