Great Plains Network Launches Professional Development Program for Research & Education Community

Beginning in September, 2011, the Great Plains Network (GPN) will be launching a web-based Professional Development Program for faculty and staff at member institutions and GPN Network Participants. Planned topics are in areas of advanced networking, supercomputing, data life cycle management, and other aspects of advanced technology, critical to advancing the missions of the higher education community. Each program will be brief--60 to 90 minutes--and will be interactive. 

“The GPN Professional Development program will put us in touch with the latest developments in advanced network technology,” explained Bill Mitchell, GPN Executive Director.  Rick McMullen, of the University of Kansas and Chair of GPN’s Cyberinfrastructure Program added that “"Developing a shared understanding of new CI and IT technologies and how they can advance our institutional missions opens up the possibility of cost-sharing and efficient adoption of game-changing CI across the region." 

The Professional Development Program was piloted over the summer with speakers from Internet2, InCommon and VisiMeet.  Since then the GPN community has been polled for recommendations for speakers and topics for the Fall and Spring Semesters.  Speakers from Internet2, the University of Chicago, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, as well as industry partners like Adva Optical will cover topics related to new services, trends in Research and Education Networking, advanced computing applications and more.  The schedule of sessions is updated at . 

GPN also maintains a calendar of upcoming network and cyberinfrastructure training at their web site ( 

To receive notifications about GPN and announcements of dates/times of Professional Development meetings or to add an event to the GPN Training calendar, please contact Kate Adams, System Administrator, via email (