IBM Applauds Final Passage of Patent Reform Legislation

IBM commended the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for passing The America Invents Act (H.R. 1249) patent reform legislation, which will help spur American innovation, stimulate economic growth.

Once signed into law by President Obama, The America Invents Act will deliver the most extensive and important updates to the U.S. patent system in nearly 60 years. This landmark legislation will improve the efficiency of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) and enhance the quality of patents issued to American inventors and innovators,  thereby reinvigorating their ability to fuel our nation's competitiveness in the global economy.

"IBM has been a leading supporter of patent reform since the legislation was first introduced over five years ago and we applaud our elected officials for producing a bipartisan, common-sense bill that will significantly improve the U.S. patent system," said Robert C. Weber, senior vice president, legal and regulatory affairs, and general counsel, IBM. "The America Invents Act, coupled with recent court decisions that provide more clarity and confidence for inventors, puts our patent system in a much better position to spur innovation and economic growth in the 21st century."

As the top U.S. patent recipient for the last 18 years, IBM values the ability to efficiently secure and protect the intellectual property rights, and commends passage of the America Invents Act, which will modernize USPTO operations and provide the patent office with vital resources and tools it needs to significantly enhance quality of patents issued to inventors.