NYSE Technologies Announces Filtered Options Feed and TAQ Options Data Products

NYSE Technologies announced the launch of two new products designed to help firms better manage the growth in quote capacity requirements for U.S. options trading. The Filtered Options Feed helps market participants better define and isolate key quotes and market information while the TAQ Options service offers users a complete end-of-day file and access to a 6-year historical archive of all U.S. options quoting activity from Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA).

“In evaluating the needs of the U.S. options industry, we found that nearly every market participant could benefit from a quote management solution that eliminates unnecessary data but reliably filters and retains key, actionable data,” said Mark Schaedel, Senior Vice President, Global Data Products, NYSE Technologies. “We are excited to deliver a truly complementary product offering in the Filtered Options Feed and TAQ Options products that together allow customers to balance their daily trading requirements with their long-term strategy development and modeling. These products, whether used separately or as a combined solution, effectively lower costs and dramatically improve efficiency in U.S. options trading.”

The Filtered Options Feed provides customers with a highly flexible, fully managed market data feed that filters U.S. options market information using specific parameters designated by customers. This significantly lowers bandwidth requirements and reduces processing needs while maintaining immediate access to relevant trading data. Delivered over the SFTInetwork and hosted from NYSE Technologies’ U.S. Liquidity Center, this innovative solution allows customers to effectively use OPRA data without incurring the costs and complexities of connectivity management and the ongoing maintenance for a standard options data feed.

The historical TAQ Options service offers customers the ability to receive an end-of-day quote report of all the day’s OPRA market data. This data product complements the Filtered Options Feed by ensuring that customers have access to all the information necessary to create and manage their proprietary trading strategies while reducing the daily processing impact and the growing operational overhead associated with high levels of intra-day quote processing and long term capacity planning.