Frequently Asked Questions about Supercomputing Online

Q: My company was covered in Supercomputing Online, and I'd like to post that article on my web site. Can I do that? Whom should I contact?
A: You are welcome to link to content on our site at no charge given the following:

  1. The headline of the article is used as a link to the article on out site.

  2. The deck (i.e. short description of the story) may also be reprinted on your site.

  3. Credit to Supercomputing Online, as appropriate, must appear with the headline and optional deck.

Q: How can I reach your writers?
A: Pitches for the Supercomputing Online staff should be sent to our editorial email box, where they will be reviewed and forwarded to the correct editor.

Q. What is the most effective way to pitch a company to Supercomputing Online?
A. Please do not contact our reporters by telephone. They are usually working on deadline and phone calls are a distraction. The best way to contact our reporters is through our editorial email box at Emails we receive are reviewed every day and passed along to the correct editor, who will get in touch with you if s/he is interested in learning more. There is no need to follow up with a phone call. The most effective pitches are brief but detailed, explaining why the company is important and what it is doing that is newsworthy and interesting. In short, tell us why they should take a further look.

Q: Where should I send press releases?
A: Press releases flood our email boxes daily. We cannot possible respond to every press release we get. A smart, well-written personalized pitch with a press release is the most effective. If you want to send a press release, please send it .

Q: What is your lead time? How can I find out about upcoming editorial calendar opportunities?
A: As Supercomputing Online covers breaking news, there's very little lead time to our articles. We typically do not distribute any information on our editorial calendar. With 10 news stories posted daily, we don't have the luxury of a long lead time that print publications enjoy, and that prevents us from setting edit schedules months in advance. Send time-sensitive news announcements to our editorial staff at

Q: How can I set up a meeting between my company and one of your editors?
A: Please send a request for a meeting to, and label the subject field "Meeting Request." In the email, explain what the company does, who from the company, where and when they will be available to meet, and why you think we would be interested.

Q: Why do you seem unresponsive to public relations inquiries?
A: We receive hundreds of phone calls from public relations representatives, as well as countless press releases and emails every day; it's impossible to reply to them all. If we were to answer every single call and email, we would have no time to research and write articles. However, we will try to answer a question if, after spending some time on our Web site looking for an answer, you are still confused. Please do contact us, either by telephone or email. As always, however, an email is preferable.

Q: Do you accept freelance articles? Can you send me writer's guidelines?
A: We very rarely accept freelance articles. We have a staff of writers that generates most of our articles. As a result, we do not have writer's guidelines to distribute to the public. However, if you think your story is so interesting that we should consider making an exception to that general rule, email a brief pitch to with "Freelance Pitch" in the subject heading.