Tokyo Institute of Technology to Add CULA Library to TSUBAME 2.0

EM Photonics Selects Best Systems to Lead the Effort and Become a Major Reseller of CULA in Japan

EM Photonics has announced that the Tokyo Institute of Technology has added its GPU-accelerated linear algebra library CULA tools to its supercomputer TSUBAME 2.0.  The 4-year site license agreement was facilitated by Best Systems, one of EM Photonics' major resellers in Japan.  Best Systems was selected for its experience in providing supercomputing solutions to Japanese universities and government agencies.

The Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) is the largest science and technology university in Japan.  Tokyo Tech is also home to Japan's first petaflop performance supercomputer, TSUBAME 2.0, ranked #4 on the Top 500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers. CULA has been installed on TSUBAME 2.0 and will benefit not only Tokyo Tech's scientists, but also external users from commercial companies and other academic organizations.

"I believe there is a large need for a GPU-optimized linear algebra library such as CULA in Japan," said Katsuya Nishi, CEO of Best Systems.  "TSUBAME 2.0 is a great example of how the Japanese scientific community has embraced GPGPU computing on a petaflop scale. The trend is for an even greater adoption of GPUs across all major segments, including industry, government and higher education. Having a comprehensive GPU library like CULA in our portfolio gives us a great competitive edge."

"The majority of the achievable FLOPS in TSUBAME 2.0 is due to the power of the GPUs, so it is essential that we provide as comprehensive a software stack to utilize them to their fullest potential as possible," indicated Professor Satoshi Matsuoka, the TSUBAME 2.0 leader. "CULA will be an extremely valuable part of the portfolio, allowing our scientists to conduct large scale simulations at unprecedented speeds," added Prof. Matsuoka.

"We are pleased to have Best Systems as one of our major resellers in Japan. They enable us to connect to top tier research institutions and innovative technology corporations throughout Japan. We are confident that they can help us reach hundreds of other similar users for our product," said Eric Kelmelis, CEO of EM Photonics.

As a reseller for companies including most of Supercomputer manufacturers, Rogue Wave and Best Systems provide not only sales support, but also supercomputing and consulting services to clients.