Platform Computing Introduces Comprehensive Monitoring and Analysis Tools for Platform LSF Environme

Platform Computing has announced the latest versions of two tools designed to help HPC administrators and IT managers monitor and report on high performance computing workloads as well as analyze the associated data.  Both tools help optimize decisions that lead toward more effective operations of their HPC datacenter. Platform RTM 8 is a comprehensive operational dashboard that provides administrators with the information and tools needed to maximize cluster efficiency, enable better user productivity and contain or reduce costs.  Geared toward IT managers, planners and administrators, Platform Analytics 8 is an advanced analysis and visualization tool that provides the insight needed to quickly identify and troubleshoot bottlenecks and analyze usage trends within the HPC datacenter so that administrators can improve capacity planning and optimize HPC resource utilization, leading to reduced costs.  Both products are designed to complement the Platform LSF product family.

Platform RTM provides the most comprehensive workload monitoring and reporting available for Platform LSF environments.  It offers easy and effective monitoring of all workload scheduling and license usage facets through a single interface, allowing administrators to quickly resolve issues without service interruptions.  A flexible, automated alert system also flags issues quickly to keep cluster resources up and running as needed.  With its broad set of capabilities, Platform RTM can replace multiple tools in typical Platform LSF environments with a single easy-to-use, monitoring tool. This results in improved productivity for administrators and users alike, as well as reduced cost and complexity.

A tool for analyzing, correlating and visualizing large amounts of Platform LSF workload data, Platform Analytics enables data-driven decision making based on job, resource and license data collected from one or more Platform LSF clusters.  The tool includes an innovative interface that is built on top of a powerful analytics engine, providing fast and easy results.  Users can choose from a variety of pre-configured dashboards or choose to build their own for obtaining quick answers about the status of their HPC infrastructure and applications for optimal resource planning and utilization.