ApliDigital Adds Exinda WAN Optimization Products to its Portfolio

Exinda has announced it has signed an agreement with ApliDigital Tecnologia Corporativa, a value-added distributor with a focus on Information Security and Solutions for WAN optimization to distribute its products in Brazil. The new line of products will complement the ApliDigital solutions offer with a focus on network performance for companies of different sizes.

Exinda's wide selection of WAN Optimization appliances offers Unified Performance Management, which delivers full visibility, control and optimization of each user and application on the network, with a single network appliance. The products, geared towards small and large companies (from 50 to 250 thousand users), enable better application performance and improved user experience on the WAN.

According to Francisco Gandin, CEO of ApliDigital, the advantage of Exinda's line of products is its flexibility, plus its high performance. "Exinda has modular appliances that can meet the individual needs of each client in a flexible manner and at a lower cost, since it is not necessary to pay for the entire package. For example, if a company only needs to monitor and control the network, but does not need optimization, Exinda has a product to meet that demand."

Gandin underscores that the addition of Exinda's WAN Optimization solutions to its product roster reinforces ApliDigital's offer in the network segment and its positioning as a provider of complete solutions to companies of all sizes. "In the near future, every company will need some sort of WAN network optimization. With this partnership with Exinda, we now have products to satisfy companies that need anything from the simple management of a link to those that also demand utmost optimization of their data."

"ApliDigital has a strong reputation for delivering solutions that help IT teams to address their network challenges, while supporting their organizations' business priorities," said Kevin Suitor, Exinda's vice president of marketing. "We are pleased to be working with this strong partner to bring our solutions to organizations throughout Brazil."

Besides being an interesting option for small and mid-sized companies, ApliDigital expects Exinda products will be greatly accepted in the education and government segments in Brazil. According to Cristiane Oliveira, Director of Marketing and Products for the distributor, "educational institutions need to manage a large number of users on their wide area networks, so for them, visibility and control are high priorities. Government clients, on the other hand, are often more focused on cost containment, which makes Exinda's optimization capabilities very attractive, as they can more from their existing bandwidth."