X-ISS Offers White Paper Featuring Top Tips for HPC Cluster Management

X-ISS (eXcellence in IS Services) is now offering a free paper titled “Top Ten Tips for Setting Up and Managing Your HPC Cluster System.” The paper is available for download at http://dld.bz/hpctips the paper is designed to help organizations decide whether to hire or outsource HPC system administration.

As the paper states, “With the level of complexity involved in an HPC system, having the right person in charge can be the difference between mediocre research and a high productivity machine that is delivering a high return on your investment.”

Topics covered in the white paper include:

  • Defining your company’s core goals to determine where resources need to be allocated
  • How maximizing your HPC Cluster’s efficiency can accelerate innovation and yield greater returns
  • Cost analysis of hiring a cluster manager vs. outsourcing management
  • The cost to your organization for a poorly utilized and low productivity cluster system