Applied Networking Research Prize Call for Applications: Deadline 8 May 2011


Call for Applications: Deadline 8 May 2011 

The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) recognizes the best new ideas in applied net- working research that are relevant for transitioning into shipping Internet products and related standardization efforts. 

Awardees are invited to present and discuss their work with the engineers, network operators, policy makers, and scientists that participate in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet's premier standards body, and its research arm, the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). 

The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) consists of: 

+ cash prize of $500 (USD) 
+ invited talk at the IRTF Open Meeting 
+ travel grant to attend the week-long IETF meeting (airfare, hotel, registration, stipend) 
+ recognition at the IETF plenary 
+ invitation to related social activities 
+ potential for additional travel grants to future IETF meetings 

Awards will be presented in conjunction with: 

IETF 81 
24-29 July 2011 Quebec City 

For additional details and how to apply, see: