Logicalis IDs Six Ways to Know If You’re Ready for Private Cloud Computing

Solution Provider Says Cloud Computing, Like Virtualization, Is About Delivering IT as a Repeatable Service

In the early days of virtualization, organizations were really just looking to do more with less – to drive efficiencies in the IT infrastructure and reduce capital expenses.  But as virtualization has matured, the quality of services available through a virtualized environment has become equally important.  A variety of business applications and capabilities are delivered through a virtualized environment today.  Defined service catalogs and service level agreements (SLAs) ensure quick, automatic, and secure distribution of needed IT services and allow CIOs and IT managers to track IT expenses to specific departments within their organizations.  Virtualization isn’t just about cutting costs anymore.  It’s about providing a framework to make IT a repeatable service aligned to meet one’s business objectives.  And, according to Logicalis, an international provider of integrated information and communications technology (ICT) solutions and services (http://www.us.logicalis.com/),that’s where cloud computing enters the picture.

“Cloud computing is about delivering technology as a service and aligning your business’ requirements with IT’s ability to quickly respond to and deliver on those needs,” says Mike Martin, Logicalis’ director of cloud computing.  “That’s why private clouds are the next logical step after virtualization.  While CIOs are developing a strategy to transform the way they deliver IT services to the business, IT managers are working through the technical design to drive the cloud transformation.”

To help IT professionals decide if a private cloud is right for them, Logicalishas identified a six-point checklist.  Where does your business fall in the virtualization lifecycle?

Are You Ready for a Private Cloud?

You are ready for a private cloud IF …

(1)  You’ve clearly defined the services catalog you want to deliver to your users.

(2)  You’re already comfortably running business-critical applications in a virtual environment.

(3)  You’ve defined IT within your organization as a service delivery value-added business rather than a cost center.

(4)  You have defined your data security and compliance requirements.

(5)  You have a system in place for cost containment and a way to charge back (or “show back”) usage and costs on a departmental basis.

(6)  Your business is requiring agility and speed to market in deploying new solutions.


To find out more about cloud computing, read a feature story, “Cloud Computing: How to Make Your Own Silver Lining,” here http://www.us.logicalis.com/pdf/Cloud-Computing-Feature-Story.pdf


Want more cloud resources at your fingertips? Explore the Logicalis Enterprise Cloud dedicated microsite here: http://www.us.logicalis.com/cloud