CU Denver Business School Expands Use of MicroStrategy's BI

Students Gain Practical Experience Using MicroStrategy Software

MicroStrategy has provided free software to the University of Colorado Denver Business School for the expansion of course offerings focused on business intelligence.  This is the second time in the past three years that MicroStrategy has provided the school with free business intelligence software licenses, technical support, and training to give students experience in BI reporting and analytics.

UC Denver Business School offers BI courses using MicroStrategy software in its Master of Science in Information Systems, Master of Business Administration, and PhD in Computer Science and Information Systems programs.  Since 2008, UC Denver Business School has added BI specializations to its Master of Science in Information Systems, Marketing, and Master of Business Administration programs. The specializations enable students to gain skills and knowledge in data warehousing, data visualization, data mining, online analytical processing, customer relationships management, dashboards and scorecards, corporate performance management, and expert and advanced intelligent systems.  To date, hundreds of students have used MicroStrategy software in these courses.

"Since we first started using MicroStrategy in our curriculum, we have seen a sharp increase in students' interest in enrolling in these new BI specializations as part of the MS and MBA programs," said Professor Jahangir Karimi, Director of the Information Systems Programs of the UC Denver Business School. "We have added new graduate courses in Business Intelligence Systems, Business Intelligence in Healthcare, Business Intelligence and Financial Modeling, and Marketing Dashboards and Scorecards. Students use the Sales, Finance, and Healthcare applications to complete semester-long projects." These graduate level courses are offered at least once a year with enrollment ranging from 30 to 40 students per course.

"MicroStrategy is proud to support the advancement of BI skills for graduate and undergraduate students," said Sanju Bansal, MicroStrategy's Chief Operating Officer. "The University of Colorado Denver Business School has made great progress in offering its students tangible experience in the BI industry and preparing them for exciting career opportunities."

For more information on MicroStrategy's BI teaching resources for universities, visit