Compuverde Software-Defined Storage Liberates Data Center Services from Constraints of Specialized Hardware

Compuverde announced that it is now delivering software-defined storage (SDS) for telcos and service providers. This solution provides the entire software stack for Big Data storage, enabling service providers to scale linearly without incurring the costs associated with building a new storage cluster.

"Compuverde's ability to synchronize the cache among all virtual machines delivers unrivalled performance and scalability," said Stefan Bernbo, CEO and founder of Compuverde. "The companies we've been talking to say that adding more virtual machines at scale swiftly becomes unwieldy or expensive or both. By uncoupling the software from the hardware and focusing on distributed, parallel storage, our solution alleviates bottlenecks, reduces costs and boosts performance even when scaling out to thousands of new virtual machines."

Service providers and telcos are seeking ways to scale rapidly and efficiently while reducing costs and downtime.  Compuverde's software-defined storage solution detaches software from the hardware component, freeing users to select hardware that costs less to deploy and uses less energy.

Key Facts:

  • Linear scaling – Customers can add more nodes to a cluster while simultaneously boosting the capacity of each node, realizing substantial gains in ROI and virtual machine performance.
  • Hardware-agnostic – Compuverde's software-defined storage solution jettisons the need for expensive hardware.  By bringing reliability and performance to the software level, telcos and service providers are able to choose lower-energy, lower-cost commodity hardware without sacrificing speed.
  • Scale out to thousands of virtual machines – With Compuverde's solution, customers have the ability to rapidly add thousands of virtual machines to the same cluster, eliminating the cost and hassle of building a new cluster to accommodate scale-out.