CESGA’s experts in the e-learning centers launch MOVE IT

• The Supercomputing Center of Galicia with its partners have designed a new training platform for workers in rural areas and will be tested in the UK, the Netherlands, Finland and Romania.
• The use of mobile technologies will facilitate closer to the target group of the youth and young adults from ages 16 to 24 years.
• The conference begins with this initiative in the Galician capital on October 30th and 31st.

The MOVE IT European project (Mobilizing Opportunities in Vocational Education with Innovative Technologies) will use an effective methodology and innovative e-learning to incorporate mobile technologies to improve the training of young students and workers in rural areas. It’s targeting young people between 16 and 24 years old.

The technology platform is designed by the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA), which has almost two decades of experience of in the field of e-learning, and that will be in use at the center with faculty project leader, the Myerscough College ( United Kingdom) and the Centrum Praktijk Innovatie Groene Ruimte BV (Netherlands), Rural Institute of Central Ostrobothnia (Finland) and Asociatia pentru Educatie Permanenta (Romania).

This project continues a long line of research that begun in CESGA in 1998 on the application of new technologies to improve teaching and collaboration in the rural countryside, both formal education projects, A Ponte (1999), Rural School Project and Education in the Cloud (2010), and Red Cloud School (2012) for training of workers (Metafor Project, 2001).

In the project MOVE IT, CESGA will participate with transferring technology, due to its successful experience and contribution of e-learning solutions in other European projects, such as YES (Youth Employment Support, Employment Support Youth).
CESGA’s technology transfer and technological tools are appropriate for the new platform to be used in e-learning projects at other institutions, even after September 2014, when the project will end.

Initial Meeting

Twelve representatives of the various institutions involved in MOVE IT will meet in Santiago de Compostela on October 30th and 31st to begin the distribution of tasks, and thereby officially launching the project.

For two years, they discussed how to create quality content for students to access with various courses through distance learning, and they found the best ways to facilitate faculty support and collaboration of students together so that teaching is not problem and attendance is not a problem.

For more information contact:
María José Rodríguez Malmierca, Coordinator e-learning area, CESGA, +34 981 569810, mjrm (at) cesga (dot) com