E.T. International Appoints Rich Collier and Andrew Chien to Drive Continued Growth

E.T. International has announced the appointment of Rich Collier as the Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Andrew A. Chien as the Chair of the ETI Technology Advisory Board (TAB).

"We are pleased to announce the addition of our new executive team members who are veterans in the high-performance computing (HPC) field. Rich and Andrew will work together to lead ETI through our next phase of growth as we expand into the mainstream market," said Guang Gao, co-founder of ETI. "As a renowned thought leader in the software industry, Rich's significant accomplishments in attracting and engaging customers, and in building customer-driven software, will be invaluable assets as ETI expands our government and commercial segments. Andrew's extensive startup and R&D experience will further define ETI's vision and promote industry adaptation using ETI's technology."

Collier joins ETI with over 30 years of leadership experience in the high-tech industry, starting with his career at Digital Equipment Corporation. Collier has held CEO and executive positions with leading technology companies. Before joining ETI, Collier served as CEO of TotalView Technologies, a leader in software tools for the HPC market. Collier successfully grew the TotalView Technologies business and facilitated its acquisition by Rogue Wave.

"By joining ETI, I am excited to take part in the next software evolution," said Collier. "As growing heterogeneity in computing produces increasingly fragmented hardware architectures such as CPU, GPU, FPGA and SIMD, ETI's many-core software will enable users to exploit such resources with dramatically lower development effort."

Dr. Chien is a global research leader in high-performance computing, and recently served as Vice President of Intel Labs and Director of Future Technologies Research where he was instrumental in organizing and launching Intel's DARPA-funded UHPC research project. He is well-known in the industry and research community, having served in leadership roles at Hewlett-Packard, Entropia (founder), UCSD's Center for Networked Systems (CNS), San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC), and Illinois' National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).

"The HPC community faces critical software challenges arising from hybrid and multi-core computing. ETI is an emerging leader that has delivered robust software solutions for extreme-scale systems, and has technologies to deliver the value of emerging heterogeneous computing systems," said Dr. Chien. 

"We are pleased that ETI can draw such talented professionals to their team," said David Weir, director of the University of Delaware's Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships. "ETI is a university spinoff and is one of a handful of companies that the university has an equity interest in. The company exemplifies the type of university partnership model that we have always strived to achieve -- incubating, transferring, commercializing technology and ultimately establishing a high-tech cluster and jobs in the Delaware area."