Carnegie Mellon's Gregory R. Ganger To Receive Professorship In Electrical and Computer Engineering for Expertise in Computer Systems

He's Internationally Recognized for Building Unique Storage, Distributed and Operating Systems
Greg Ganger
Gregory R. Ganger was awarded the Stephen J. Jatras Professorship inElectrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University for cutting-edge work in computer systems.

"This is wonderful recognition and I am honored to represent the Stephen J. Jatras Professorship and contribute to the continuing research activities at this world class institution," said Ganger, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Parallel Data Lab (PDL) at Carnegie Mellon. 

The professorship is named for the late Stephen J. Jatras (E'47), former chairman of the Telex Corp. and a leader in a variety of academic, civic and community organizations stretching from Pittsburgh to Tulsa, Okla. 

Ganger, who recently testified in Washington, D.C., about the risks and benefits of cloud computing, is internationally recognized for his work in computer systems, such as storage systems, distributed systems and operating systems.  

Since 2001, Ganger has served as director of the PDL, where he is collaborating with HP labs on a research initiative focused on cloud computing issues through the prestigious HP Labs Innovation Program. More than 50 students, staff and faculty contribute to PDL research activities, and 19 of the top companies sponsor and participate in the ongoing work.   

"Greg is an outstanding researcher, educator and academic leader. His work addresses fundamental engineering challenges, and solves important problems even while he builds unique systems and organizations. He is a wonderful example of the spirit of Carnegie Mellon's culture of collaboration," said Ed Schlesinger, head of Carnegie Mellon's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 

The author of more than 130 journal articles, conference papers and technical reports, Ganger also has received numerous honors and awards for his research contributions, including three HP Labs Innovation Research awards, the ACM Distinguished Engineer Award, seven best paper awards for several software engineering research publications and being elected an IEEE Fellow.  

Ganger received his bachelor's degree in computer science in 1991, a master's degree in computer science and engineering in 1993, and a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering in 1995, all from the University of Michigan.