Public Evaluation Report Leads DICE to Adopt Bright Cluster Manager for Internal Use

Independent test and evaluation organization DICE certifies Bright Cluster Manager, then uses it.

 Bright Computing has announced that Bright Cluster Manager has been selected for internal use by the team driving the Data Intensive Computing Environment (DICE) program. DICE is the HPC research division of the non-profit research corporation Avetec. The DICE team, engaged to perform an independent evaluation of the product, realized that Bright Cluster Manager would greatly streamline and improve their ability to manage their internal test clusters.

Further, Avetec has now installed Bright Cluster Manager at the DICE environment site located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

“Developed to meet the increasing demands of today's HPC data centers, Bright Cluster Manager provides the capacity, scalability and interoperability to centrally manage clusters over locally and widely distributed and heterogeneous HPC infrastructures,” said Roger Panton, Executive Director of the DICE program.

Other findings from the DICE evaluation include:

· “Bright Computing has developed a solution to accomplish HPC system administration with a single system view.”

· “Installation was straightforward and problem-free; our test cluster was up and running in a very short period of time.”

· “The GUI is intuitive. The CMSH is a robust CLI interface that can be used for situations that require scripting.”

· “Bright makes it simple for administrators since it supports using regular Linux tools and commands to make the modifications.”

· “The DICE team tested several MPI implementations with success.”

"The software successfully managed the test compute clusters during our in-depth evaluation," Mr. Panton continued.  "While preparing our independent report, we recognized the benefits of using Bright Cluster Manager in-house and for our partners.”