Milliman Releases MG-ALFA Version 7.2

Milliman has announced that it has released MG-ALFA Version 7.2., the second major update since delivery of Version 7.0 in July of last year. Major enhancements since Version 7.0 include:

  • New Flexible Index Tables for Efficient Data Entry.
  • New Projection Keys to Manage Multiple Assumption Sets Within a Single Model.
  • Enhancements to Manage Multiple Scenario Sets Within a Single Model.
  • Support for Single-Pass Calculation of Stochastic Reserves and Capital.
  • Principle-Based Reserve (VM20) Net Premium Reserve Support.
  • Barrie and Hibbert Scenario File Loader.
  • Enhanced Joint Life and Multi-Insured Support.
  • GMWB Support for EIA and EIUL.
  • Enhanced Premium Solve Capabilities.
  • Beta Support for Microsoft Azure.
  • Numerous User Interface Enhancements.

This release reaffirms Milliman's commitment to the timely delivery of content-rich releases. Van Beach, MG-ALFA product manager noted, "We are excited about the broad enhancements that we have been able to deliver since releasing Version 7.0. These represent the results of the new data model underlying MG-ALFA and our new development paradigm. We have delivered both expanded actuarial functionality and new system capabilities that are really transformative and further enhance MG-ALFA as a production modeling platform."

Many of the enhancements in the last six months are focused on meeting the needs of client companies as they migrate toward the new financial reporting requirements of PBA, Solvency II and IFRS. In 2011, development will continue to focus on these key regulatory drivers, as Milliman positions MG-ALFA as the superior actuarial projection solution globally.