Secure-24 Now an SAP-Certified Provider of Cloud Services

Secure-24 announced today that it is now an SAP-certified provider of cloud services. Secure-24 is among the first SAP partners to receive SAP certification of its capability to deliver SAP applications via its cloud delivery services.

As an SAP-certified provider of cloud services, Secure-24 will provide mid-market companies and enterprises that operate globally with a cost-effective, on-demand cloud-based delivery model for mission-critical SAP applications.  To achieve this certification from SAP, Secure-24’s cloud infrastructure, physical and logical security measures, processes, portal, and technical staff went through extensive testing by SAP to validate the operational integration of the cloud-computing platform with supported applications and to help ensure compliance with SAP’s requirements for quality, availability and security.

SAP Applications in the Cloud Deliver Business Value

“Technologies like cloud computing are helping to transform IT from expense to a strategic asset and even to business driver by delivering real business value, agility, cost performance and support for future growth,” said George Surface, vice president, SAP Services at Secure-24.

“Our cloud-based services are helping organizations quickly gain the economies of scale and improved utilization of an on-demand infrastructure while continuing to provide the robust security, compliance and performance required for enterprise applications.”

Cloud ROI for the Enterprise

“The certification of Secure-24 as a provider of cloud services confirms its ability to deliver high-quality cloud services in support of SAP applications,” said Michael Ressemann, global head of Outsourcing Services and Solution Delivery, SAP. “Secure-24’s dynamic cloud computing environment will help SAP customers be more agile and gain operational efficiency.”

For more information on Secure-24's cloud computing services in support of SAP solutions, call 877-5-SAPEXPERTS (877-572-7397).