Merit Network Announces Online Class on SELinux Security, Jan. 19 & 26

Short course focuses on preventing malicious attacks

Merit Network has announced that it is hosting "Hands-on SELinux: A Practical Introduction" in its series of online learning classes. The course, taught during two three-hour sessions, is provided through Merit's Professional Learning program and will be held on January 19 and 26, 2011, beginning at 6:00 p.m. EST each day. Registration is open to all.

The course's instructor is Charles Antonelli, a research computing specialist at the University of Michigan who has taught classes on many aspects of computer security. Dr. Antonelli says that SELinux is a security option that deserves attention from Linux system administrators, in part because it can stop zero-day attacks.

"SELinux--or Security-Enhanced Linux--is a set of modifications that adds mandatory access controls to Linux kernels. Administrators can use SELinux to help provide an additional layer of security that complements existing anti-virus and intrusion detection systems. As SELinux does not depend on pre-existing signatures, it can foil attacks that have not yet become known to the security industry."

The course will teach administrators about SELinux principles and components. Topics include installation and configuration, interpretation of log records, and how to secure applications by creating SELinux policies. Students will learn the SELinux skills to secure their own platforms running their own applications.

Andy Rosenzweig, manager of professional learning at Merit, says the course is a natural component in Merit's efforts to provide educational services to a wider audience.

"Charles has taught a number of security classes for Merit Members over the past three years. Those have typically been limited to a single classroom, and we are using technology to help make this learning available without the expense of travel. That benefits Merit's Members throughout the state as well as institutions nationwide."

The course is offered to Merit Members and the broader educational community for US$69, an introductory price made possible through the contributions of Merit's Community Supporter program. Others may register for US$89.

Registration and more information are available at: