RunTime Computing Solutions Releases VSI/Pro Support for 2nd Generation Intel Core Processors

RunTime Computing Solutions announces the release of VSI/Pro 1.20 optimized to utilize the 2nd generation Intel Core Microarchitecture.

VSI/Pro's proven high quality support for the Vector Signal and Image Processing (VSIPL) industry standard for signal and image processing functionality on DSP and COTS processors has now expanded to Intel's newest line of fast, power efficient processors. VSI/Pro is proven, field-deployed, standard-based software for the Mil/Aero COTS markets for well over a decade, and represents extremely high value middleware for signal and image processing that supports both performance and portability.

VSI/Pro for the 2nd generation Intel Core processor-based platforms further incorporates significant performance improvements in VSI/Pro's already efficient vectorized libraries that utilize the new Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX) instruction set as well as incorporating the processor's enhancements in performance to the SSE series of streaming vector extensions compared to previous generation Intel processor families. VSI/Pro provides combined ease of portability to the new processor and enhanced performance for key operations including FFTs, convolutions, linear operations, and correlations.

VSI/Pro architecture enables users to immediately benefit from the platform's performance without spending a lot of time and money to port algorithms, rewrite major parts of applications, or require that every application programmer knows how to write low-level code.

"With VSI/Pro, users can readily port signal and image processing applications to and from workstations, testbeds, and embedded target platforms such as VPX-based embedded boards," stated Jennifer Skjellum, RunTime Computing's president. "When further combined with Runtime's VSI/Pro product support for several Linux distributions and the WindRiver VxWorks platform, VSI/Pro for new Intel Core processors will offer unprecedented value for adopters of these Intel platforms, as well as easy portability from VSI/Pro for PowerPC Altivec and previous-generation 64-bit Intel Core processors and earlier SSE-based platforms, as well as other x86 platforms running 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems."

"Recognizing that the 2nd generation of Intel Core processors offer the optimum combination of very high performance and performance per watt, RunTime Computing has developed a solution that will help embedded developers move quickly and affordably to this advanced processor platform," said Matt Langman, director of product marketing, Intel Embedded Computing Division.