CESGA EGANET Awarded Finalist in DIGITAL Education

  • The project "Rural Communities in Cloud Virtual Education" being developed in collaboration with the CRA Boqueixón-Vedra.
  • The finalists were selected from the 91 papers presented.

The project "Virtual Rural Communities" developed by the areas of e-Learning Systems and Supercomputing Center Galicia, CESGA, and CRA Boqueixón-Vedra, is one of four finalists in the category "Digital Education" of the seventh EGANET Awards, which were 91 projects.  

EGANET Awards recognize the work of professionals and companies Galician are working hard, high quality and competitive in the ICT sector development in Galicia and are intended to recognize the highlight of the year in terms of innovation, quality, market openness, social commitment or originality.

The jury's decision will be known in Awards Gala to be held today, from 19:00 pm in the Conference Centre of Galicia in Santiago.  

They are also finalists in the category of "Digital Education":

CEIP Nétoma‐Razo, CEIP Joaquín Rodríguez Otero, CEIP O Graxal: O Campo da FeiraCP de Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia: Navega con Rumbo polo CiberespazoInteracción/Imaxin: O valor de IGU

Cloud Bed

The project "Rural Communities in Cloud Virtual Education", coordinated by area of e-Learning CESGA, is developing and evaluating a pilot in Boqueixón CRA-Vedra, working closely with faculty to discuss the feasibility and appropriateness of this new technology access to resources and infrastructure distributed accessed as a service very easily through a web browser. There is already a website that presents news of the project: http://rural.cesga.es . And has set up a virtualized infrastructure later allow full integration of project managing the cloud environment Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA).  

This work has already been selected last July by the R & D Labs, HP California, as one of the top three international projects on Technology and Cloud Education. "   It also has the support and cooperation of the Xunta de Galicia through General Directorate of Education, Training and Educational Innovation and Ministry Modernization and Innovation Xeral Tecnolóxico.  

CLOUD in the CRA

Cloud Computing is a type of emerging technology that access to a range of computer services and respond to user needs flexible and personalized way, via the Internet. Users in this case, educational community members (children, parents, teachers) can access all services available in the system (applications, resources, etc.) without having to be experts or having to install any specific program, since all these resources and services running on remote servers configured in the cloud "(ie online).  

The application of cloud computing in the environment of the Rural Schools Cluster, formed Small groups of unitary schools several miles distant from each other, provide tools and communication to improve their proposals cohesive educational activity educational community (teachers, children, parents) as a whole.    

THE CESGA The Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA) that depends on the Ministry of Economy and Industry Xunta de Galicia and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) is an agency with a history of 17 years. Its purpose is to promote and disseminate calculation services communication intensive and research communities of Galicia and the CSIC, as well as those companies or institutions upon request.    More information: Visit http://rural.cesga.es