GigOptix Approved to Receive $5 Million in Federal Funding for Its On-Chip Integrated Photonic Polymer Transceiver by U.S. Senate Committee

GigOptix has announced the continued federal support of its On-Chip Integrated Photonic Polymer Transceiver program. U.S. Senator Patty Murray, a senior member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and a tireless advocate for Washington businesses, helped to secure $5 million as part of the fiscal year 2011 Department of Defense Appropriations bill recently passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee. This appropriation bill must still receive approval by the United States Senate and the final legislation must be passed by the Congress and signed by the President.

This federal support will allow GigOptix to qualify its Thin Film Polymer on Silicon (TFPS) modulators to the stringent temperature stability required by military standards. Additionally, GigOptix will begin designing and testing the second iteration of the integrated driver with the polymer optical modulator on a standard BiCMOS wafer and completing the integration of the receiver side on separate chips, all for the next generation 400Gbps optical communication systems. Current technologies are physically too large and energy-intensive to sustain the anticipated levels of bandwidth growth in the coming years. This funding will accelerate important development into faster, smaller, and more energy efficient power and communications systems to provide accurate, timely information that will enable the military to maintain its edge in communications technology.

Dr. Raluca Dinu, Vice President and General Manager of GigOptix Bothell said, "GigOptix is the industry leader of high performance electro-optic polymer solutions, both for active and passive applications as stand-alone hybrid products as well as monolithic integrated layers onto Integrated Circuits (ICs). Because of the support of Senator Murray, we are able to push forward with critical research on ultra broadband, low power communications systems that help the military maintain its superiority. The U.S. Air Force and the United States Government are looking for solutions to the growing problems of speed, size, integration, weight and power of current technologies. The additional funding support demonstrates confidence in GigOptix' technology as a solution for their high speed network communication needs."

Dr. Avi Katz, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of GigOptix, stated, "The vision and leadership displayed by Senator Murray in her continuous securing of this funding will not only help provide the men and women in the Armed Services with the technology they require, but it will also support GigOptix' efforts to sustain our development efforts and create new jobs. With this meaningful funding, GigOptix will enhance its work force in our development center in Bothell, thus enabling new job opportunities for highly educated and skillful American scientists, engineers and developers. Continuous funding support by the U.S. Government has been a key contributor to GigOptix' efforts to build a successful high-tech endeavor over the last 3 years. This funding is an enabling financial engine that allows us to drive forward our strategic plans and continue to develop and establish GigOptix as a global industry leader in the high speed optical communications arena."