The Network Marketing Insider Weekly e-Newsletter Launches

Andrew J. Cass, the nationally recognized Marketing Strategist and Dan Kennedy Certified Business Advisor has announced the launch of The Network Marketing Insider FREE Weekly eNewsletter on December 1st.

For several years Andrew has been coaching and mentoring Network Marketing and Internet Marketing leaders throughout the world to create the effective strategies and plans needed to ensure their business and marketing success. Now, this information and knowledge is being expanded and shared as a result of repeated requests from entrepreneurs asking when the The Network Marketing Insider launch will take place.

When interviewed recently, Andrew stated, "I decided to publish this free weekly eNewsletter because there is a lot of mis-information out there when it comes to Direct Sales and Network Marketing in the New Economy. My eNewsletter offers hard-hitting, honest advice each week for the high-performance Network Marketer. No BS, No fluff, just facts."

The Network Marketing industry is going through rapid changes right now that require an entrepreneur to be adaptable, flexible and able to respond quickly to meet the challenges and demands of their customers. For a business to thrive and succeed, it is vital that individuals starting their business in the New Economy have advice that is valid, up to date, and gives them the effective tools and resources they need to build a solid foundation and reach the revenue goals that they want.

Andrew J. Cass has been in Direct Sales for almost two decades now through the Financial Services, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing business models. He has worked with and advised entrepreneurs and small business owners in multiple countries and he currently runs the Miami chapter of Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle along with private coaching groups in Miami, FL where he resides.

Now, he’s created an online publication exclusively for Network Marketing professionals in the New Economy who are hungry to gain an edge over the competition.