LSF Interactive Acquires Award-Winning Web Design, Development Team

LSF Network and its LSF Interactive Division announces the acquisition of award-winning Cofa Media. LSF Network previously collaborated with Cofa Media, but the new in-house capabilities will further integrate the organizations, enhancing client offerings and providing even better results.

“Cofa Media offers a top notch team that develops high-performance websites, effective e-commerce platforms and engaging social media apps,” said Daniel Laury, LSF Network’s president and CEO. “The expertise and services of Cofa Media within the LSF Network will tremendously benefit all our clients.”

Typically not offered in web design strategy, LSF Network’s expertise in search marketing will strengthen Cofa Media’s ability to develop searchable, aesthetically-pleasing websites, successfully bridging web design and business objectives.

Cofa Media has worked with various companies in multiple verticals ranging from action sports to medical entities. They leverage industry-leading platforms including: Magento, for e-commerce; Drupal, a content publisher and management tool; and Wordpress, the personal publishing platform focusing on aesthetics and usability.

“We are thrilled to take our current collaboration with LSF Interactive to a more fully integrated level through this acquisition, as it will better enable us to exceed clients’ long-term expectations,” said Edwin Lap, CEO and co-founder of Cofa Media.