Blue Waters staff, partners bring home awards from SC10

NCSA staff, Blue Waters collaborators, and Blue Waters undergraduate interns all took home awards from the SC10 conference.

Torsten Hoefler, who leads performance modeling and simulation efforts for the Blue Waters sustained-petaflop supercomputer project, earned the SC10 best technical paper award for "Characterizing the Influence of System Noise on Large-Scale Applications by Simulation." This analysis of the impact of system noise on large-scale parallel application performance in realistic settings was co-authored by Timo Schneider and Andrew Lumsdaine at Indiana University. To download the full article, go to:

A team of undergraduate students, four of whom participated in the Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education Program, won the SC10 Education Program's student programming contest. The nine participating teams had to solve questions in physics, biology, mathematics and computer science, and system benchmarking. The winning team included Ivan Babic (Earlham College), Ben Cousins (Clemson University), Leon Durivage (Winona State University), Brandon Holt (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), and Daniel Gerbig (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities).

And at the co-located 3rd IEEE Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers(MTAGS10) the best paper award went to a team of Blue Waters collaborators from the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory—Timothy G. Armstrong, Zhao Zhang, Daniel S. Katz, Michael Wilde, and Ian T. Foster—for "Scheduling Many-Task Workloads on Supercomputers: Dealing with Trailing Tasks."

For more information about NCSA's participation in SC10, see