AccelerEyes Revs Jacket GPU Programming Platform for MATLAB

AccelerEyes has released version 1.6 of the Jacket GPU programming platform for MATLAB. Version 1.6 delivers a new Statistics Library, featuring functions common to life science, defense, and financial computing applications. Visit booth #1120 at SC10 to chat with Jacket developers and to see live demos.

This expansive software release adds to Jacket's reputation as the broadest, fastest set of GPU computing functions in the world.

New GPU-accelerated statistics functions available with Jacket 1.6 include:

  • Popular functions: PDF, CDF, TTEST, KMEANS
  • Covariance functions: CHOLCOV, CORRCOV
  • Binomial distribution functions: BINOFIT, BINOSTAT
  • Exponential distribution functions: EXPCDF, EXPFIT, EXPINV, EXPLIKE, EXPPDF, EXPRND, EXPSTAT
  • Gamma distribution functions: GAMSTAT
  • Geometric distribution functions: GEOCDF, GEOMEAN, GEOPDF, GEORND, GEOSTAT
  • Generalized extreme value distribution functions: GEVLIKE
  • Gaussian mixture distribution functions: GMDISTRIBUTION
  • Lognormal distribution functions: LOGNCDF, LOGNPDF, LOGNRND, LOGNSTAT
  • Multivariate normal distribution functions: MVNRND, MVREGRESSLIKE
  • Normal distribution functions: NORMFIT, NORMINV, NORMPDF, NORMRND, NORMSTAT
  • Poisson distribution functions: POISSFIT
  • Uniform distribution functions: UNIDRND, UNIFIT, UNIFRND, UNIFSTAT

AccelerEyes develops Jacket, a software platform that delivers GPU computing power to desktop users of MATLAB and other very high-level languages. It enables faster prototyping and problem solving across a range of government, manufacturing, energy, media, biomedical, financial, and scientific research applications. The Jacket software platform provides accelerated performance for common arithmetic and linear algebra functionality across the complete line of CUDA-capable GPUs from NVIDIA, including top of the line Tesla GPUs as well as Quadro visualization GPUs and GeForce gaming GPUs.

"Fast statistics functions are important for the environmental quality modeling and computational science work we do," said Dr. Kevin Tubbs of High Performance Technologies, Inc. "Jacket 1.6 is an important step forward in making statistics fast for MATLAB programmers."

See the company website and the v1.6 release notes for the full list of enhancements in this release.

Pricing and availability

Jacket 1.6 is now available for download on the AccelerEyes website. Pricing for a Jacket base license with support for a single GPU is $999US, $800US, and $350US for commercial, government & research, and academic customers, respectively. AccelerEyes provides 12 months of software maintenance and updates with each software license. Volume packages and development bundles are also now available at special price points for a limited time only.