Oracle Hosts Oracle Exadata Customer Forum

Oracle hosted the Oracle Exadata Customer Forum; where Oracle executives and industry experts outlined how customers can achieve extreme performance for database applications with Oracle Exadata, the world’s fastest database machine.

Oracle Exadata is the only database machine that provides extreme performance for both data warehousing and OLTP applications at the lowest cost, making it the ideal private cloud consolidation platform.

The recent introduction of Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8 extends Oracle's family of Database Machines, offering customers a choice of secure, scalable, fully redundant consolidation platforms.

The Oracle Exadata Customer Forum highlighted customer case studies detailing what extreme performance means for their businesses, including real-world metrics on the value achieved with Oracle Exadata.

Oracle Exadata Customer Forum Highlights

The Oracle Exadata Customer Forum featured:

Executive and product experts discussing how Oracle Exadata can improve performance by up to 10 times and help lower IT costs.

An Industry Analyst who explained recent data management report findings and shared real-world examples of how customers are using Oracle Exadata.

A panel of experts from the Retail and Communications industries who discussed the business advantages of prebuilt warehouses like Oracle Exadata.