HPC Advisory Council Announces Winner of 2010 University Award Program

The HPC Advisory Council has announced that Xiangqian Hu from Duke University has received the prestigious HPC Advisory Council 2010 University Award for advanced research in the subject area of high-performance computing. One of the HPC Advisory Council’s main activities is community and education outreach. The University Award program is an outgrowth of this, and is intended to enhance students’ computing knowledge-base.

“With the goal to develop a new fragment-based approach to simulate liquid water, Mr. Hu’s submission ‘Massively Parallel Quantum Mechanical Simulations for Liquid Water’ stood out amongst all of the submissions,” said Gilad Shainer, chairman of the HPC Advisory Council. “We congratulate Mr. Hu and look forward to providing him the tools and cluster resources necessary to complete his research. We look forward to reviewing proposals for 2011, and working with the winners to highlight their research and further advances in HPC technology and education.”

Twice a year, the HPC Advisory Council will select worthy proposals allowing winners to benefit from a range of the council’s resources and events, including the opportunity to present their final research results to a wider audience. Proposals for the 2011 HPC Advisory Council University Award Program can be submitted between Nov. 1, 2010 through May 31st, 2011. The selected proposal(s) will be determined by June 19th and the winner(s) will be notified.

“The council award program was designed to enrich world-wide university research activities by utilizing and maximizing the high-performance computing capabilities and the council’s expertise,” said Cydney Stevens, HPC Advisory Council Research Steering Committee Director. “We congratulate Mr. Hu and encourage others to submit their research proposals for the 2011 award.”

The HPC Advisory Council University Award winners will be provided with the following benefits:

  • Exclusive computation time on the HPC Advisory Council’s Compute Center
  • Invitation to present the research results at one of the HPC Advisory Council’s worldwide workshops, including sponsorship of travel expenses (according to the Council Award Program rules)
  • Publication of the research results on the HPC Advisory Council website and related publications
  • Publication of the research results and a demonstration, if applicable, within the HPC Advisory Council world-wide technology demonstration activities