A Match Made in Heaven?: Cloud-Based MetaFlows Partners with Cybersift for High-Performance Network Security Monitoring

MetaFlows and Cybersift announced their partnership for merging state-of-the-art software and hardware innovations into a very new kind of high-performance network security solution. The solution, to be displayed at SC10’s SCinet, promises to deliver industry-best performance at a fraction of the cost of today’s norm.

Both MetaFlows and Cybersift technologies were derived from years of leading-edge research sponsored by the National Science Foundation and several US Government agencies and are now available, together, as a formidable security package. MetaFlows has developed a network security monitoring system that features the world's first Software as a Service (SaaS) security console coupled with an innovative active security paradigm that discretely baits attackers into disclosing their targets and attacks methods. The MetaFlows system continuously mines the Internet for attack vectors and autonomously augments organizations’ traditional flow and IDS data (events, not packets) with up-to-the-minute threat intelligence. Then, it securely delivers these results to users through an easy-to-use browser-based security console that highlights severe threats and devalues false positives with unprecedented accuracy.

"Last year, we were able to make a significant contribution to SCinet's already world-class security monitoring capabilities,” said Livio Ricciulli, MetaFlows’ Founder and Chief Scientist. “At this year’s SCinet, we’ll have the pleasure of showcasing our production system in partnership with Cybersift. There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in the computer security industry. Therefore, we intend to prove our solutions’ value to the market by taking on the security monitoring of one of the most challenging environments known to the industry: supercomputing networks."

"The 10GBps Sifter 10 we’ll be deploying at SCinet is unlike anything else out there in terms of processing power. Marrying the power of processing up to 28 Million Packets per Second with the sophistication of MetaFlows' local and global event correlation technology results in something out of this world, I think," said Cybersift Chairman Andy Craig, "We look forward to showcasing our match made in heaven at other prominent events for everyone to see: there’s no smoke and mirrors here, just real, high-performing network security monitoring."