Hardcore Computer to Showcase Liquid Submersion Computing Technology

Hardcore Computer announced that it will present a range of Total Liquid Submersion Cooled technologies during SC10, The Future of Discovery in New Orleans from November 13 - 19, 2010. The exhibits will include HCTech Liquid Blade server, HCTech Detonator workstation, and Hardcore Computer Reactor desktop PC.

SC10 attendees are encouraged to visit Booth #4439 to experience the innovative designs and breakthroughs to be demonstrated by Hardcore Computer. All are noted for their extreme performance, stability and reliability with a range of applications for use in the enterprise.

HCTech Liquid Blade Server – The company's newest product and winner of the 2010 BladeSystems Insight Award "Best Data Center Innovation," Liquid Blade is a breakthrough technological achievement that delivers a systematic approach to solving the major problems faced by datacenter operators today

HCTech Detonator – Winner of the 2010 Military Embedded Systems magazine Editor's Choice Award, Detonator is the first commercially-available high-performance workstation with total liquid submersion cooling technology

Hardcore Computer Reactor – The company's internationally-acclaimed flagship product, Reactor is the world's first commercially-available high-performance PC with total liquid submersion cooling technology

"The HCTech and Hardcore Computer brands are redefining high performance computing, which aligns directly to the theme of this year's event, the future of discovery," said Al Berning, CEO, Hardcore Computer. "Our liquid submersed computing products are the most innovative computer designs on the marketplace today."