Geneious Server 1.0 Released

Two leading US government agencies are the first customers to purchase Biomatters' new software package, Geneious Server -- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland. Prior to launch, an additional 12 institutions have been beta testing the new server software, including the DeRisi Lab at University of California San Francisco, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation in Oklahoma, BP Biofuels and the University of Queensland in Australia.

Dr. Huo-Shu Houng, a Research Microbiologist in the Walter Reed's Department of Viral Disease, says, "The move to Next Generation Sequencing required an investment in the software and management workflows to better handle the huge amounts of data that come with it. We compared the assembly results we get from the Geneious Assembler with the Roche de novo and reference mapping and we are particularly pleased with the quality of the Geneious assemblies."

Details About Geneious Server

Launched today, Geneious Server is a powerful sequence analysis software package for high-intensity computing such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), Phylogenetics and Sequence Analysis. With Geneious Server, you can offload your resource-hungry jobs directly from Geneious Pro on your desktop to Geneious Server, dramatically and easily speeding up your research.

Geneious Pro is the interface that connects you to the power of Geneious Server. When you run a job using an algorithm from one of the Geneious Server modules you have installed, you can choose to run your job on your desktop or push it to Geneious Server for increased computational performance. When your job is finished, your results are securely sent back to Geneious Pro with a message telling you the run is complete. It's that simple!

If you are the proud owner of a cluster environment, multiple users can use Geneious Server as the staging platform to easily schedule and run jobs directly from their desktop to your cluster. This lets your users leverage the computing power of the cluster environment from the Geneious Pro interface that they know and love. No confusing configs or command lines, just drop down menus.

Geneious Server offers three core modules featuring powerful, peer-reviewed and trusted algorithms:

  • NGS Module featuring Geneious Assembler, Velvet, MAQ, Bowtie, BWA
  • Phylogenetics Module featuring Geneious Treebuilder, MrBayes, PhyML
  • Sequence Analysis Module featuring ClustalW, MUSCLE, MAFFT, MAUVE

Full genome assembly can be performed with data generated by Illumina, Roche 454, SOLiD, Pacific Biosciences and Ion Torrent machines.