Dow Introduces a New High Performance Resin For Rotational Molding At K 2010

The Dow Chemical Company has introduced an experimental polyethylene resin for rotational molding that offers significant performance advantages over incumbent materials when used in the production of large storage tanks.

Laboratory and large scale production evaluations of the resin have demonstrated that, compared to reference materials, the new resin offers improved sintering (densification), hereby allowing shorter oven times, a homogeneous and fine molding microstructure, and no shrinkage or warpage changes versus reference material. For rotational molders needing to produce storage tanks the performance attributes of this Experimental Polyethylene Resin translate to reduced energy costs, reduced cycle times and finished products with higher impact strength due to a broader processing window.

“This developmental resin has the potential to open up new marketing opportunities and reduce operational cost savings for rotational molders focused on large storage tanks,” said Karin Katzer, Dow’s market manager for rotational molding in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa. “Its mechanical performance advantages make it very suitable for molding a wide range of complex tank shapes, where it can completely fill corners and narrow sections while offering good outer and inner surface finishes.”