Toshiba Expands Family of LED Drivers With Four New High-Performance Devices

Toshiba America Electronic Components has expanded its family of light emitting diode (LED) drivers with the announcement of four new device families.  The TC62D748A, TC62D749A, TC62D722 and TC62D776 LED drivers (LEDDs) are 16-channel, constant current, high-speed devices designed to regulate back lighting in LCD panels, digital TVs and notebook PCs or light control in large RGB panel LED displays.

Each of the new devices was developed to address specific application challenges.  For example, the high-end TC62D722 family has a unique 16-bit pulse-width-modulation (PWM) output mode that is very effective in reducing display flicker.  The TC62D776 LEDDs, meanwhile, incorporate a new standby mode that can reduce an LED panel's idle-state power consumption by up to 1,000 times less than LEDDs that don't have this functionality.  Finally, the TC62D748A/749A family of simple LEDDs offers constant-current output voltage characteristics easily adjustable using only one external resistor and a power-on reset mode.

"LED panels and displays have become a ubiquitous part of daily life.  Consumers interact with LEDs in a broad range of equipment and devices at home, at the office and while travelling," said Andrew Burt, vice president of the Imaging and Communications Marketing Group in the ASSP Business unit at TAEC. "And because each application requires a different performance metric to satisfy market needs, we developed these new families of LED drivers with specific functionality in mind.  Furthermore, in order to meet the demand for evolving LED panel and display applications, OEMs need access to quality components at competitive prices, which is exactly what Toshiba is delivering with these four new LED drivers."

Each of the four new LEDD families is fabricated in Toshiba's world-class CDMOS process technology and is RoHS(1) compatible.  All of these new LEDDs feature a 16-channel output current value that is controlled by one external resistor, which allows for more tightly regulated power flow to a panel's LEDs for superior display illumination.  More specific technical information for each of these LEDDs is available online at the TAEC website.

Pricing and Availability

Engineering samples of the TC62D748A/749A, TC62D776 and TC62D722 are available now and with prices varying between $0.44 and $0.82 per unit in thousand unit quantities.