Lateral Data Viewpoint 5.0: Super e-Discovery Processing Speeds—and No Supercomputer Required

Lateral Data has announced the results of internal bench testing for Version 5.0 of its Viewpoint all-in-one e-Discovery software, showing a dramatic increase in its already leading data processing speeds.  Upon the release of Viewpoint Version 5.0 later this quarter, partners should experience processing performance up to 4 gigabytes per hour per each single dual-core processor—with no hardware upgrades required.

Lateral Data's unusually strong internal bench test results were achieved on three-year-old PCs, each running on a single dual-core processor with 2 GB of RAM.  Lateral Data believes the findings further establish Viewpoint as delivering the fastest speeds for full processing of any e-Discovery software in the marketplace today.

"e-Discovery processing performance doesn't mean much unless it is accomplished in the real world, on standard equipment found in the typical legal department or practice.  That's why we're very proud to announce these results for our upcoming Viewpoint Version 5.0," said Matt Berry, Founder and CEO of Lateral Data, LP.  "We've achieved speed enhancements twice the rate of our current product—which is already at the pinnacle of e-Discovery software applications.  In e-Discovery, where speed and quality are everything, Viewpoint continues to give users what they need most."

Lateral Data's tests were conducted using standard mixed-file data sets including Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office data types.  All data was fully processed and ready for review with no additional conversions, export or import required. Workstations were running Windows XP.

Viewpoint, Lateral Data's flagship product, is a licensed solution that facilitates virtually all the major components of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) spectrum including collection and preservation of data, pre-processing, full processing, analysis, review and production.  Featuring a familiar Outlook-style interface, it also offers advanced capabilities including complex analytics, email threading, visual conceptual analysis and near-duplicate comparisons to keep pace with the needs of sophisticated requirements.

Because Viewpoint is an all-in-one solution, its speed advantages transcend processing power alone.  Viewpoint also eliminates time-consuming data exports and imports—a drawback to software alternatives that handle only part of the EDRM spectrum.  With Viewpoint all components are seamlessly integrated, thereby providing faster turnaround for time-sensitive cases.  Furthermore, the one-platform system provides better defensibility as all data resides within one repository.

"Viewpoint performs well on workstations, desktop PCs, or virtual machines.  We provide minimum hardware specs to our clients, but typically they are within what the end user has available," Berry noted.  "Our objective is to enable our partners to scale their e-Discovery on their existing hardware, without having to buy expensive and specialized 'super computers' to achieve top-level performance."